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the social network.

Only envision what you want, not what you don't want. I read that on someone's Facebook update. It's one of the best updates I've ever read. On this note, maybe I should pay more attention to the thousands of streaming Facebook updates. But personally, I don't care if it's raining outside or who's pissed, or who's single and who's in a complicated relationship, who blocked me, who blocked you. Why does it matter? I just like the inspirational stuff. Give me more of that!

Last night I was at a Fleetwood Mac rehearsal at Sony. I had this same conversation with a woman whom I stood and mingled with afterward, great show by-the-way. You can't beat a night with Stevie Nicks, what an iconic voice. I joked with my manager during the rehearsal. In reference to Fleetwood Mac I said, this band has got some serious potential, they're going places...I hear a lot of hit songs! It was a funny moment. So after the show, this older and delightful, effervescent woman and I discussed the importance of communication and sharing ourselves, our art and our ideas with the world. She was telling me about her website. We talked about sharing what we do with the masses via online, then she said; "Facebook is stupid". I retorted with a big grin on my face and laughed pretty loud too. I couldn't help myself. I laughed because I totally agreed with her. I actually laughed because we both have Facebook accounts, and I log on regularly. That's humor.

Speaking of Facebook being stupid, I saw the movie, The Social Network. Good movie, I liked Justin Timberlake's performance, he's good. I never knew Facebook was invented by a huge computer geek who stole the idea from a couple Harvard twins. Again, stupid. I think if the integrity's lacking in the beginning of anything we do, be it an invention or a conversation even, then we deserve the hell we reap. And, that's exactly what the Facebook geek/inventor manifested--his own hell. I guess that was ultimately the moral to the story, don't steel. He was also awful to his girlfriend who dumped him because of his pompous attitude. I found it to be amusing when he friend requested her at the end of the movie on Facebook, his own invention. I thought to myself, he must be in love...

I guess we all **** up. We live and we learn. But, at the end of the day, I guess we still love who we love, the big kind of love, as Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac puts it. It's Big Love...and we don't even know why.

I also never knew I could be so engaged and absorbed and so uninterested and turned off by something all at once, as I am when discussing and blogging about Facebook. I guess I learn something new everyday, thank God.

As far as Facebook goes and Twitter, Blogger, Myspace (for the three people who still use Myspace, including myself)...I do always appreciate words of encouragement and wisdom, art and great ideas, in any portal of communication from whomever and whenever. It's always refreshing. I think today's social network is a brilliant way to share ourselves, but only in an interesting way...please, pretty please, with a cherry on top. There's a lot of good to be said and actually done by each of us. We are alive, so we might as well make the best of it. Let's share our light, our hearts, our soul, our wisdom, always.

And like I read on Facebook..

Only see yourself doing what you want to be doing, not what you don't want to be doing.

Envision it.

See it, then you'll do it.


(Sorry if I ruined the Facebook movie for you, you should still see it. It's good.)


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