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how beautiful you are

Photo by Anne-Marie Pauley

I've written this blog and dedicated it to all who read it. May it help you.

"Discover your beauty within, then never forget it. Because, no one can truly hurt you when you know how beautiful you are."

~Me...over a 2nd cup of coffee, morning bliss and a little funkiness of emotion.

After being kindly reminded by silence, spirit, emotions taming and freshly brewed caffeine, I affirmed to myself: I am beautiful! And by-golly...people like me! Well, most people. ;)

This is an amazing affirmation/pep-talk to tune into first thing each day. I wish you the same self-induced uplift.

May no amount of failure or struggle with another person derail your life train from off it's tracks. Without our tracks there is nowhere for us to go, so we must stay on track. It's our only hope, and hope is everything. Failure and struggle is merely a part of the journey onward. It's just a ride some soothsayers have been known to declare. What you cannot control you must learn to accept, and what you cannot accept you must learn to let go of. Let it go, then let it go again as you pop your head from out of a cabin window where you perch in wonder while anticipating an expected arrival to a destination unknown. Watch as all the burdens drift waywardly, backward in the wind as though uniting with every yesterday. And...just enjoy the ride. Don't worry about where you're going, your train will get you there. Rather, focus on where you are and savor the view.

And so it is...

This quest into the unknown, this pilgrimage within our very own body where we explore in our mind in hopes of voyaging back to our heart, is indeed just a ride, a roller coaster ride to be more precise. Every roller coaster ride I've ever screamed and possibly puked my way through has always lead me back to safety - back to stability and back to peace where my loved ones await me with a smile. So, why worry about anything? Why not just have fun instead? To not worry does pretty much feel impossible, but there is a catch. When we don't worry, anything is possible. To worry is to lose our energy. To lose our energy is to lose out on all the possibilities, and to lose out on all the possibilities is to lose sight of a much bigger picture, because without possibility, there is no bigger picture. So, the next time you're screaming because life's "train ride" (aka) roller coaster ride is getting much too scary, just know that you're on the right track. Love awaits you with a smile. The next time you're possibly "vomiting" up the weight of the world - sick to your stomach from all the selfishness, tired, lost, angry and confused - know that you're on the right track. You're being lead back to peace. Next time you're on the verge of giving up and giving in to all of those fears, losing your faith and losing your mind...know that you're still on the right track. You're being lead back to clarity. The next time you feel like giving up and walking away from all your dreams and all of your heart's deepest desires, know that you're on the right track. You're being lead back to faith and purpose, and knowing this is exactly what makes you beautiful. Being aware and understanding that you are on the right track no matter how difficult life may be for you right now, no matter the pain and no matter the loss, is to know how beautiful you are. And knowing that every "roller coaster" ride leads you back to your peace and back to your safety is what makes life beautiful. For without your tracks, there would be no where to go. Without our pain, there would be nothing to learn. We were born to learn and we were born to journey onward with purpose, and where ever your journey takes you...there you'll find you're peace.

Love & Light,

Please visit Undergo Yoga & Meditation for more information regarding AM's yoga classes and workshops. Undergo Yoga is a Health and Wellness blog that AM has designed and dedicated to all who seek information regarding body, mind, spirit and healing.


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