Don't think less of yourself. Just think of yourself...less.
C.S. Lewis said something like that. It's indispensable, earth shattering advice. I also think it's a prescription for our well being, especially for those who are extremely sensitive like myself. I can be sensitive to a fault - insecurity kicks in and I'm totally defeated. Pause. Rewind. That didn't work. Start over. Not to say that 'sensitivity' is a bad thing. It's a beautiful thing, but being easily affected by everything and/or everyone has its repercussions. Regret is one of them. Anger is another. So, balance and a sense of self and self worth are significant. Confidence is the word. Compassion is the other word, and so is 'Patience'. (Which I need more of) Once you have those things, you can focus on others and think of yourself...less. Step out of your shoes and step into their shoes. Or, don't wear any shoes. Says the yogi. Just breath. Just be. And smile cause you're still alive. And that's good enough, when you really think about it.
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