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the show

We're not big and we're not small because who we are can't be measured or compared, not with anyone or anything or any other life out there. We don't have edges, we're not a cliff off a canyon. We don't have sides, we're not a box. We don't have walls. And anyone who tries to climb over yours has surely lost their way because there is no wall to climb. There is just... you. Sad you. Happy you. Hurt you. Brave you. Honest you. Broken you. Angry you. Lonely you. Enthralled you. Fantastic... you. You're not an object, and though you may feel objectified and on edge, boxed into a life you didn't want, you're actually a platform. You were built by the mercy of your own will to carry on, to keep dancing - to keep smiling because darling, this is theatre!!! And all life is a stage and you're on it. You decide if the show must go on. And the show must go on. We don't choose this life, you see. It chooses us like a stylist chooses our dress, o...
Recent posts

you can

Letting go... It's not just something we do with our stuff, it's a way of life. It's a balancing act. Oh but it's not act. It's a choice. A daily one.  I coach people through the process of "purging". I've been told that just my presence alone has helped these individuals finally make a choice. Keep. Don't Keep. Shred. Donate. TRASH. And oh how liberating the trash CAN, can be. Even the word encompasses self empowerment.  You  can throw out what isn't working for you anymore. The thing is, we don't think we can and understanding this folly is the our first step toward change. Changing our minds, to be more exacting. Our mind is the problem. Did you know that? Well, it is.  One of my favorite quotes is; "If you think you can, you can." ~Meryl Streep.  It worked for her didn't it? She must have thought eons ago; I can be an actress. I can be a very successful one too!  And viola! Oh but it's not that easy.  Meryl Streep was...


C o l o r . There's a freedom about it.  " Room color psychology is an integral part of your daily life, affecting your moods and energy levels with just the room color you choose for your walls. The colors of the rooms in your home also serve as a direct reflection of your personality. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by choosing colors that reflect their preferences and personalities. Color has the power to change the shape and size of furnishings, as well as the shape and size of the room itself." By Lena Borrelli And color isn't just something we add to our home, it's an  essential  element that we add to our life once we break the barriers of everything being black and white . We all possess within ourselves our special vibrance and the more we discover our own gifts and survival skills, the more colorful we become. I'm using color as a code word for free. Freedom. Notice when you paint a wall or a canvas or a piece of furniture, there...


Them: Don’t burn bridges.   Me: I’ll blow a muthafuckin bridge up. And the flames will light the way... I deal with more let downs than I can count on one hundred and fifty hands. Lifetimes of let downs - as a creative, as a dreamer. As person. And yes, I’ve become more and more vocal because of it. And that’s pretty damn vocal considering I was born vocal. But, because I was silenced as a child (told to “shut the fuck up” every time I used my voice to speak my mind) my voice as a woman, is well, really loud. This doesn’t mean I’m screaming at everyone. It just means I’m not afraid to be myself and speak my mind. I’ll say the things most people will only think to themselves and I have no shame. For anyone who thinks I’m inferior to them be it personal or in my career fields (also personal), my torch is lit. I am important. I am inferior to no one. And neither are you. And yes, this spawns from a recent let down.  Though, the smoke has cleared. 💅🏽 And the funny thing is...

my own hero

I just realized I've been away for over a year, and for nearly a year I've been back in Los and working harder than I've ever worked in my wildest days. I wrote a tv show about my life ... and some big things are happening right now.  I just wanted to share something very personal... about myself. Per usual, but this time I'm taking you and myself back to where it all began - to the day I died so that the hero in me...  could be conceived .  I went to 17 schools as a kid, and that’s not counting community college. I failed the first grade because I was unable to focus past the gnarly curveballs that life had already started throwing at me. I sat alone at the lunch table in 5th grade every single day while resisting a strong urge to cry just long enough to get home, where I could sob in the privacy of my own bedroom, where I spent most of my time writing to escape the loneliness that was my actual life. In 9th grade, I sat outside with a p...

a wonderful kind of nothing

This is a meme I came across recently, which for a brief moment flung me into a state of total euphoric peace, which feels a lot like... nothing actually, even after being "flung", and I have to be flung into peace. No joke. Could partially be the Gemini in me, but I need more than a gentle push or a light shove, or a mediation video, or a great chill your tits book or a meme. I need fulfillment. Peace is the end goal and as screwy as that might sound (in my own head) it sounds more honest than claiming it to be any other way - to be content, settled. I'm not. I never have been. I wouldn't be an artist if I was. But, I feel like we're taught or we're wired to think we have to be all these things and we have to do it with a sense of urgency and obligation. On the daily too, especially when things get hard. Calm down. Someone says to me. Relax. No. I'd rather write. Or paint... create something, anything. Art needs chaos, not a nap. Not contentment. I w...

Mother Nature

I just realized I've been away for several months. I'm producing a short film here in Denver, so I've been a bit distracted but in the most wonderful way. But, today I felt the urge to hop on here and say something. I vicariously live through a character in a series I'm writing right now. Her name is Jade and she's me. She's who I used to be and who I want to be. The only difference, she's won an Academy Award and I have not. So, you can only imagine how much I admire Jade. ;) Any who. A lot of thoughts and chatter stir my mental soup these days, especially as a screenwriter. Everything I hear, everything I say... it can all be used differently. I can use it as great dialogue.  Fearlessly . The conversations I have with myself and with other people are what inspire me the most and this is the beauty of character writing. It's truly a wonderful exercise for releasing -  to vent through someone else, someone you invented, someone you didn't invent ra...