We're not big and we're not small because who we are can't be measured or compared, not with anyone or anything or any other life out there. We don't have edges, we're not a cliff off a canyon. We don't have sides, we're not a box. We don't have walls. And anyone who tries to climb over yours has surely lost their way because there is no wall to climb. There is just... you. Sad you. Happy you. Hurt you. Brave you. Honest you. Broken you. Angry you. Lonely you. Enthralled you. Fantastic... you. You're not an object, and though you may feel objectified and on edge, boxed into a life you didn't want, you're actually a platform. You were built by the mercy of your own will to carry on, to keep dancing - to keep smiling because darling, this is theatre!!! And all life is a stage and you're on it. You decide if the show must go on. And the show must go on. We don't choose this life, you see. It chooses us like a stylist chooses our dress, o...
Letting go... It's not just something we do with our stuff, it's a way of life. It's a balancing act. Oh but it's not act. It's a choice. A daily one. I coach people through the process of "purging". I've been told that just my presence alone has helped these individuals finally make a choice. Keep. Don't Keep. Shred. Donate. TRASH. And oh how liberating the trash CAN, can be. Even the word encompasses self empowerment. You can throw out what isn't working for you anymore. The thing is, we don't think we can and understanding this folly is the our first step toward change. Changing our minds, to be more exacting. Our mind is the problem. Did you know that? Well, it is. One of my favorite quotes is; "If you think you can, you can." ~Meryl Streep. It worked for her didn't it? She must have thought eons ago; I can be an actress. I can be a very successful one too! And viola! Oh but it's not that easy. Meryl Streep was...